Aint nothin spectacular, just tryin' to get by.

Star Log No. 332-B: "Life aint easy, and it sure as hell aint fair, But that don't mean it aint worth livin. Just gotta find someone or somethin' worth livin' for."

NAME: Callisto Vallencia
AGE: 44
BIRTHDAY: July 8th

SKIN TONE: Olive Pale
EYES: Light Green
HAIR: Periwinkle, Messy, usually with a braid on the left side.
WEIGHT: 151 lbs
BODY TYPE: Mesomorphic, Toned and Muscular

Psychological Evaluation

▻ Prone to lying or dodging questions
▻ Intense lack of trust
▻ Anxiety
▻ Depersonalization/Derealization Disorder triggered by elevated situations of emotional stress and drug use

Physical Evaluation

▻ Deep scar across bridge of nose and lower left cheek.
▻ Significant scarring on back and left side of torso as well as along arms and legs.
▻ Poorly healed fracture on lower left arm. Extended use causes stiffness and aching.
▻ Poorly healed ribs on left side


▻ A daredevil to the core, it is not uncommon for Callisto to purposefully add risks and stunts to his motorcycle driving.▻ His social default is to keep things humorous, and will often resort to joking when things become too uncomfortable or overwhelming. This is especially the case when trauma or emotions are involved.▻ He tends to cling to things in his sleep, and always cuddles a pillow if available.▻ Favorite drink is chai latte!▻ He cusses like a sailor, but tries hard to limit it around more innocent people- especially Nova.▻ Enjoys 80s music most of all, and embraces the aesthetic.▻ His scent is varied based on his activities, but it is quite masculine. When in the workshop, it consists of a mix of leather, motorcycle, and the strange sweet scent of baked goods. His cologne is woodsy, pine with general remnants akin to the forests of the pacific northwest.▻ His parents were from an Italian settlement, though primarily spoke English for trade reasons. Because of this, Callisto's knowledge of Italian still remains moderately fluent. He does not have an accent that indicates his origins, however.▻ He has an industrial blender he built from scratch that he uses when he's bored in a makeshift "will it blend?" segment. Yes, he has put a wrench in there. Yes, you will want to run for cover if he does it again.▻ He is an avid hotwheels fan, and collects several he manages to miraculously find! His room has an entire minitrack in it complete with several loops. His fidget device is actually a color-changing hotwheels car. Yes he wants a racecar bed dont ask him about it.▻ He kisses his motorcycle goodnight.▻ Callisto Vallencia is not his birth name, he chose to discard that long ago.


Survivin' this long, you're bound t' learn a few things.

Star Log No. 337-7B: "What's life without a little danger, eh? Builds character."


Additional Skills

▻ Specializes in Survivalist scouting, infiltration, and vehicle mechanics
▻ Can maneuver a motorcycle with ease through extreme situations and stunts
▻ Knows how to read the stars and record star maps


+2 when fighting without a melee or short range weapon.


+3 when running, chasing or evading


roll a 1d20 to stun the target. If character succeeds in the attack roll, the character stunning their opponents must roll 1d20 for the total effects of the stun.1-5: No stun
6-10: Opponent stunned for one round
11-15: Opponent stunned for two rounds
16-19: Opponent stunned for three rounds
20: Opponent incapacitated One recovery round must be permitted between successful shocks.

Uno Reverse

This Scout can’t be surprised or caught off guard, and instead of the opponent getting to attack first, this Scout can roll to attack first. If their initial attack hits, they get a +2 to all rolls against this opponent. If they fail the opponents can attack as per normal.


+2 to rolls while being in enemy territory.

Nick of time

If another character were to take a hit near this Scout, this Scout can roll for a last minute save. Cannot be paired with ‘Taking the Bullet’. If the roll fails, BOTH characters will take the hit, shared evenly between them.

Blue Moon “Blue”

A mars-based motorcycle built with stealth as its centerpiece. Built to be silent yet speedy for efficient missions, its sleek black exterior blends into the night. The bike also features a special mode that allows it to light up in a moonlight blue tone much like his daughters. This modification was added later on by Callisto and can be toggled on and off.

Electric machete

An electrified machete stolen off a martian biome worker. Crafted to conduct crackling electricity through it's long blade, the weapon pacts quite a punch upon impact. Electricity can be toggled on and off with a switch in the handle. Blade portion glows when voltage is high.


Don't let the hair fool ya, I aint as soft as I look.

Star Log No. 118-C: "Any day above ground is a mighty fine day indeed."

+ Innovative + Humorous + Resilient + Friendly
= Adventurous = Secretive = Talkative = Skeptical
- Impulsive - Avoidant - Reckless - Distrustful

Hope for the best, expect the worst. This is a motto the ever-cautious Callisto lives by. With a friendly first impression, he often chooses to play the role of observer- taking note of what mannerisms and tones those around him show before he chooses to act. This is often deceiving, for behind his cheerful smile lies a man looking for any reason to justify his distrustful nature. Though he keeps this sort of judgment under wraps, in pleasant company he does return the favor and meets their kindness with an enthusiastic flare. However, in the face of aggression or standoffish tones, his cheerfulness melts away into a more blunt form full of sarcasm and in most cases, flat out avoidance. It is not uncommon for Cal to walk away once he deems an interaction not worth the social energy it will consume.With all his highs and lows, there is hardly any doubt that Cal is a man who thrives on thrills. Using risk and danger as a way to escape the constant brooding turbulence of emotions swirling within him, he can be quite reckless. However there is a flip side. In all his experience, he has learned to be extremely resilient to many things as well. Whether it be injury or disappointment, he has always managed to keep moving forward, especially for the sake of those he loves. Often using humor as a diversion tactic to not only lessen the blow of rough events or simply lighten the mood, Callisto prefers to keep the peace over causing friction. This of course has made it easy with his on-the-go lifestyle to establish friendships, even if they are quite shallow and fleeting.For much of the duration of any friendship he may spark, Cal is the type of individual who prefers to keep things surface level. Oftentimes, friends of his may come to realize they know very little of him while they themselves have shared much more quite freely. This is heavily due to his natural avoidance of personal disclosure, a survival tactic built into him from years and years of constant travel and shallow relationships. His intense anxiety towards his own strong emotions also causes him to keep others at arms distance, preferring to show them a side that is inauthentic over risking having to face his fear. However, as solid as the wall protecting him may seem, with patience and understanding it is possible to break. And once broken, one will find Callisto blossoming into a tremendously dedicated and soft-hearted companion.To those who have proved his theory of distrust wrong, he wants nothing more than to grant the world and all it pertains. In reality, his defense mechanisms protect a very emotional individual with an excitable and eager to please soul to match. While his anxiety often snakes its way into every portion of his life, he still yearns to dream of a better world full of genuinity that is so rarely found. And in turn, once encouraged to allow this part of him to take flight, he certainly flies- and ensures those he cherishes soar even higher with his enthusiastic nature.


Nova - “My whole world begins and ends with her”
Motorcycles - “Second in my heart. Not much beats racin’ the wind.”
Inventions - “Innovation is human nature. One of the things that makes me think just maybe there's a little hope for us after all.”
Adrenaline Rushes - “Just like feelin’ alive.”
Star mapping - “Kinda nice feelin’ like somethin’s familiar in this big ol world. Mighty easy to get lost.”
Traveling - “I’ve never been used to settlin’, just haven’t found anywhere worth stayin’”
Hot Wheels - “Wh…. who told ya I was into that…. were ya snoopin’ around my room?”


Unwarranted Aggression - “Just sit your ass down and cry about it like the rest of us. You’re makin’ a scene.”
Staying still too long - “Just don’t know what to do with myself, get all jittery.”
Prying - “Stay in your lane, pal.”
Personal Drug Use - “I don’t care what someone does in their free time, but it sure as hell aint for me. Don’t wanna feel that way ever again.”
Excessive Cruelty - “Didn’t realize bein’ the shittiest person alive was a contest, but damn looks like you sure are winnin'.”
Licorice - “What I imagine tar tastes like, honestly.”
Flirtatious Strangers - “I’m flattered, but whatever you’re after aint somethin’ i'm willin’ to give.”


Houston, we're a long long way from home.

Star Log No. 134-A: "Tomorrow is another day, only one way to find out what it'll bring. Keep on drivin', even if it calls for a little off-roadin."

WARNING: LIMITED DATA ACCESSABLE.4 YEARS AGO - LIFELINEIt was an average day when Callisto and Nova were making their way towards a new settlement. Suddenly encountering Guards of Phanes, the two usually were pretty confident in the speed of their vehicles. The chase continued for a while until one of the canids landed a lucky hit on Nova’s bike. It was all it took for the damage to overtake her speed and begin slowing down her vehicle. Feeling panic set in, Cal was forced to think fast- pondering all available moves within a short time. Unfortunately, as Nova's bike began stalling, he knew time was running short. He had to make a decision. Telling her to keep going as far as she can till she reached a settlement and to not look back, he chose to become a distraction. By using his scout experience, he effectively led the guards away from his daughter. This was the last contact he had with his daughter, only glancing back to ensure she did as she was told- watching her disappear in the horizon.The chase lasted only a bit longer. Callisto continued maneuvering the landscape with far more focus now that his daughter was out of harm's way. Gradually picking off the canid pack one by one, it seemed all was going well until he reached the sudden cliffside of a canyon. Willing to take the chance, he fully intended on making the jump- hopefully tricking the pack into falling off the cliff while he soared to the other side. And he knew he could have done it too, if only the sudden body of a G-Sabre didn’t skyrocket into his bike with a pounce. The guard and the bike were sent into the side of the ravine, exploding on impact and damaging both beyond repair. And in turn, cal was launched onto the other side, skittering across the rough rock and sand and leaving him unconscious and his left side heavily damaged upon impact.Cal awoke 3 days later to the voices of strangers, his damaged body wrapped and tended to with makeshift first aid supplies. They were a small band of travelers on their way to a settlement known as Pax, and had been drawn to the explosion. Not wanting to waste too many supplies on a stranger but feeling too awful to just leave him be, they provided what they could and offered to take him with them to their next destination. He eagerly took their offer, though the next couple days of travel would be agonizing. For Cal, it was a test of endurance, but he was determined to push through and reunite with his daughter in the process. This began his hunt to find her, prepared to stop at nothing even if he never achieved his goal.After making it to Pax, he did his best to help where he could while he healed up enough so he could leave again. Hopping between caravans, he continued his search this way for a while. Little did he know, he was just dodging the destruction of Pax as well.2.5 YEARS AGO - ROCKETBOOSTIt was during a scouting mission in a biome for a settlement that Callisto found himself facing intense danger once more. Heading out with a couple other scouts, things were going well for the most part until they were discovered by guards. The chase was intense, one of the scouts becoming injured in the process therefore becoming significantly slower than the others. After maneuvering best they all could to escape the pack, Cal found himself once again choosing to be a distraction and divert the guards so the others could make it to the vehicle. The plan was then that he would eventually make his way back as well, though once he barely managed to make his way out all that he found were tire tracks. He came to the realization he had been left behind by shaken up scouts, and he was fuming because of it. Maybe they figured he was as good as dead, but now he was stuck without a vehicle in the middle of nowhere. Thus he returned to the inner biome in an attempt to figure out a plan.Callisto managed to survive for a couple days in the biome wilderness before he finally stumbled upon the martian base, a martian motorcycle sitting temporarily unattended outside of it. Its rider was most likely inside picking up supplies before taking off on it on a mission. Cal then hatched a plan and decided to hotwire the vehicle to work in his favor. After an unsuccessful try, he finally succeeded- almost sending the bike into alarm mode. Though by that time, the martian rider was on his way back to his vehicle- only to watch as Callisto took off with it and gave him a wave with a laugh.“I’ll take good care of her, spaceboy~!”He shouted before he accidently sideswiped a tree on his way out, yelling an expletive before he focused on his escape. It was only later he realized the bike also had an electric machete fit snug in a leather strap on the side of it. It seemed he had hit the jackpot! Mars had blown up his bike, so it was only natural he figured that he just took one of theirs!Then was the issue that he only had a martian vehicle… in a world where everyone would be super suspicious of something like that. He had a couple of close calls, and realized it was far safer for him to travel at night despite the temperatures. Finally making it back to the old settlement that abandoned him, he was met with hesitancy because they did not expect him to live, and ultimately did not know how he would react. Ultimately though, they were understanding of his position since he did save the lives of some of their scouts so they allowed him to fix up his new bike there with whatever makeshift supplies they had.Eventually, the bike’s internals were redone with older tech as martian portions began to break down. The exterior was repainted to fix the sideswipe and keep it shiny, though any martian logo was removed. From a distance, the bike looked sleek and mars-like to those who may have recognized its design. Though up close, it was obviously customized. Too bad this would inevitably get him and his inability to get rid of his alien bike into trouble anyways.SALUS ARRIVAL - CRASH LANDINGHe had been chasing a pair of bandits down for two days, having been part of the settlement they stole from in the first place. Willing to trade quite a nice amount of supplies and even motorcycle parts, they made the hunt worthwhile- or so it seemed.. If it hadn’t been TWO DAYS. By then Callisto was running on pure spite, much to the dismay of the bandits who had hardly time to rest since they first spotted the motorcycle man in pursuit of them in the distance. All around, nobody was having a great time here. It was around the time they had reached the area of Salus that they began to slow down, their bikes running out of fuel and their ambitions finding whatever they stole far from worth it. Cal kept his pace, relieved it was most likely going to be over soon.However, it was in a flash- a glint of a bullet in the sun that ended the pursuit once and for all. Before he knew it, Cal had been launched from his vehicle as he suddenly lost control of his steering, body overwhelmed with voltage. Left rolling over the sand with his bike, He could only feel the elevated pain dull to numbness as his world went black, ultimately going unconscious. The bandits found this a lucky break, and by the time he was investigated by Salus scouts and the bullet’s source - Benji, they were long gone. And after glancing over his bike, it was revealed it was heavily modified. Though still under suspicion just in case, Callisto’s bike and weapons were confiscated.Now he is left to recover in the Infirmary, fried like bacon. Lesson learned kids, next time you steal a mars bike, make sure you trade it in as soon as you can for a honda civic instead

DISCORD ID: Cuppu#0848



RP STYLE PREFERENCES: Multi-Paragraph, Short Paragraph, HCS, Most tbh

I try to respond at least once a day! I can only handle a few rps at a time.

I am okay with anything as long as it is tastefully done!

Callisto has a thing for russian doctors tbh.